Keje oh Keje (pulak!)

apa itu hepi?
 hm... satu satu hal menimpa. tp takpe. at least satu-satu. not byk2 skaligus! hehe

actually, this is not a new issue. ever since i've been placed in kedah, pengarah's been postponing on sending me to district. i believe it's simply because i am una chica..(maybe una mujer~) i am sumwat pendiam, malu byk, ssh bergaul and wat not, but i always believe i can do watever i NEED to do, watever i HAVE to do AND i believe i can SURVIVE - tak kira la kalu almost mati skali pon. every new things are susah. bila dah biasa, anything pon leh jd senang. kan? until i'm experiencing it..i'll never know.

edit saja guideline itu!
wat i hate right now is, i am not a new staff-y'know, the determination, the semangat org baru masuk keje.. i sumwat dah 'jadi' org kedah@ org nk pencen- cr keje yg lembab n lonlai- ( kdg2 nampak cm tuh) n malas sket2-dah la i'm not that hardworking-and now i am hard to work!!!'s almost a year. evryone knows yg aku n sue n syarul tak byk keje.. skang nie bila org bg keje pon cm malas je..sbb slalu idling..interneting..fb-ing..blogging. bkn aku nak. siyesli. i like having work to do while working. i like to feel bz, busying with my career. after all that's all i have right now that keeps me alive and feel like living-siyesli. i hate bercuti lama2 dok kat umah doing, this is the situation i am in- being under my bos kecik, keja yg kecik2 and siyesli..tak penting langsung. apa nie?

si polan ckp dia nk soh antar aku ke lgkawi. tp.. pengarah tamo. dia nk aku monitor dr sini sal lgkawi. i think, mana2 pon ok. sbb once i have 'keje' dari lgkawi, i have kerja. kalu aku ditakdirkan dok langkawi pon..takpe kot. at least bila aku bz cm ann..i won't think about other things that much. though hilangla geng kat more rumah sewa yg feel like my santuary.. my hepi2, solo life dah habis..(sbb duduk dgn parents lain sket)..pastuh..kalu keje kat lgkw nie kurang la turun kl++, seminar, trip sana sini..hurm~ watever.

..i hope. i hope. esperando...

to think that i might have to transfer, i have a reason to live today like there's no Alor-Star-life tomorrow~(kalu tak asyik 'no life' @ empty @ blahblah je.. hahhaa)


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