kancing Gigi!!

me berbaju paddle pop
erm..bkn maksud kancing gigi sebenar..lebey kepada menahan perasaan..

..sebenarnya aku rs aku skang nie, mmg kancing gigi. leh cool, sgt2 cool. kalu dulu mmg penuh blog (another one) filled with watever in my mind- not a beauty. sendiri pon malu kalu baca balik..erm..

tapi, muka aku penuh jerawat-buruj pon kalah nie. dr raya lagi. isk2.. then i have quite siyes hair-fall problem. mmg byk. isk2..nak kata aku tak jaga sgt basuh muka basuh ramut nie..takat nie mmg..aku jaga la.

i guess i have some problem but i choose to ignore it.
apakah masalah itu? like it's there, it's not that bad yet i secretly kaco my emotions.
i think.

ignore lagi.
equinimity lagi.
naseb bek aku bz, n byk trip lately.
estoy agradesco~


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