Kahwin oh kahwin...

tra & i  at ainiah's wedding

when u come of age to get married...when everyone (almost la...) u know starting to tie the knot, sapa2 yg ketinggalan sket mcm..agak tertekan. hu hu hu~

aku la tuh. not that i am very kisah about it-frankly speaking- tp lately aku pon cm terkena 'gelombang' perkahwinan nie. bila org nie bercakap, bila org bercerita..bila ada org berharap & mengharap..bila org mengadu..~

i used to be a person who is very2 relax-seríamente,like "wat about kawin??". i'm the one who comforting other people about this- at least my close frens yg agak tertekan dgn desakan parents-usually parent (singular noun, hehe), persekitaran n wat not.. tp kan..skang nie, not that i am wanting to 'join the club'..but somehow i started to think: what theme would my wedding have?..what color will i be wearing for engagement, nikah, kawin bla bla? starting to enjoy the conversation about wedding!!..wah~ this isn't me! huhu~ (i even missed the biggest part in a wedding = the groom?!!? hahaha) - thus, i'm becoming the one whom need to be comforted!

well..mmg la best kan bg yg dah kawin nie-mcm masuk another stage of life.. tp aku rs aku br je masuk stage 'working'-walupon dah nak masuk tahun ke-2, tp kat JPS nie baru nk masuk setahun. still lots to be learn, lots to go thru'. why not taking one step at a time? moreover, i'm just starting to enjoy my single life, enjoying my gaji-feeling of having my gaji all to myself mmg besh..br stat nk pikir sal harta..hehe.. dejame, por favor. (let me,leave me.. plz). bila i want to (kawin), bila dh sampai seru..then i will..until then, let me perasan that i am still young-married is for adult, matured-people-business -mmg pun kan..so that i can live my life cool and enjoying every minute of it!!

viva chica!!!


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