those Comel years..

** my school, from end of 1990-1996
(tp pintu depan nie..yg baru punyer nie...hehe)

i paid a visit to my primary school, somewhere in end of december.. mak wants to buy some books for daniel who is now in year 2. i decided to come along and take a look around at my school. selalu je lalu depan skolah nie..-since it's the main road to rumah kulim..but i never get inside the school compound since after i got my UPSR result-if i'm not mistaken...

i think.. the school now is somewhat usang..hehe..though the painting that me and my classmates, together with our english teacher did in 1996 is still looks terrible and my name, wasn't on it anymore.. then.. those building that they used to place year 4 students, were now used as pre-school kids. the small field in front of it also has gone, replaced with comp lab..and the stage that i used to play 'zero-point'.. seemingly too low for a stage..and the flags of states in M'sia where i used to have lunch and play batu selambut at.. are also all gone. kolam ikan kat sebelah tempat tunggu bas pon dah takdak..isk2..comel kolam tuh..walupon slalu je takde air and tak dak bentuk ikan nyer..mmg menambat hati kanak2-ku utk bermain kat situ..bilik music pon dah takdak..kelas aku time darjah 3kuning pon.ntah jd pe ntah..ayat Iqra' yg cikgu MPSAH kesayangan ku lukis pon..dah dicat all means everything is different. it's either gone or too buruk to help me recall my years there! hahaha... yup. everything..gone and fade with time...

All in all..being kanak2, endless of fun and 'adventures'. hepi2 days esp kat rumah bila leh men hujan, men kat sungai, panjat bukit, masak2 ubi kayu..aci ligan, aci menyorok, nek basikal keliling kg..jln2 n duduk berbincang 'masalah dunia'..bajet bagus je etc etc..Comel sungguh masa tuh. fun fun fun..endless of fun.. aku tamo turn back time. i love my now. i love that i can kaco my nephew and my adik and laugh at them. to's more fun this way!! hehe..and my comel years is over. but that doesn't mean that i am not comel anymore! haha...being an adult is something else. the definition of also more..'something'. hmmm... :)

berjalan lagi kehadapan..more and more to come..more to explore..
mixes of hopes n dreams..
mixes of highs n lows..

la vida que tiene tú conmigo y yo contigo
viva chica!


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