
okey. this is rather old..i had done this before, time kat tetiba jupe balik n gedik nak wat lagik skali. so here goes:

1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward for each question.
3.) Use the song title as the answer to the question.

The questions and my answers:

1.) How am I feeling today?
--> Party in the usa (miley cyrus): party la sgt. kat opis nie..then nk g usm lak tuh satgi

2.) Where will I get married?
--> the way i love you (taylor swift) : erm..tak menjawab pon soklan

3.) What is my best friend's theme song?
--> melastic bintang -adrenalin : hehe..lagu sal ape ek nie. hehe

4.) What is/was highschool like?
--> siapa aku -suki : erm.~

5.) What is the best thing about me?
--> fifteen - taylor swift : wao..there're 15 things best about me.!!!

6.) How is today going to be?
--> i can wait forever - simple plan : eh? but i hate waiting!

7.) What is in store for this weekend?
--> mencari konklusi - hujan : konklusi aper yg dicari?

8.) What song describes my parents?
--> forever n always - taylor swift : LIKE THIS!

9.) How is my life going?
--> jgn nakal2- alif : tp..saya mmg kurang nakal..hehe

10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
--> please don't leave me - pink : jgn tinggal daku~ walaowei~

11.) How does the world see me?
--> untouchable - taylor swift : wao~ sgt garang ke ape? hehe

12.) What do my friends really think of me?
--> scream - timbaland : waaaaa!

13) Do people secretly lust after me?
--> hey ladies - rossa : erm~

14.) How can I make myself happy?
--> 3 - britney spears : 3 pe?

15.) What should I do with my life?
--> tik tok - kesha : counting time? hmm...

16.) Will I ever have children?
--> winning woman - rihanna : yeah! hahaha

17.) What is some good advice?
--> merpati putih - divine master : merpati putih..ape tuh..hmm~

18.) What do I think my current theme song is?
--> nakal - gigi ; nakal lagik. hmm..

19.) What does everyone else think about my current life?
--> gagap - stacy : erk..gagap?!?!?!

20.) What type of men do you like?
--> masih jelas- hafiz : he he

21.) Will you get married?
--> bila rasa ini rasamu~-kerispatih : betul2. bila 2-2 terasa..kuch kuch hota hai..he~

22.) What should I do with my love life?
--> two is better than one - boys like girls : tol2.. hehe..berdua lebey baik!

23.) Where will you live?
--> trouble is a friend - lenka : erm..?

24.) What will your dying words be?
--> larut-akim : sudah larut..jd kena 'bertolak'...

25.) When im having sex i say...
--> seadanya aku-nubhan : hu~ hidden meaning = ..

26.) When I meet a guy for the first time i say..
--> lovely day - marronn 5 : haha.. lurvely sgt2. haha

27.) When my parents are angry i say ..
--> it's love - the melody : yup..alasan yg baik!


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