suatu hari lepas gaji..hehe

i hate geotechnical.
i hate it because couldn't really understand it.
but i did my FYP in geotech. doh!
(same case as i hate water but now i am in JPS (!!!))

but my boss wants me to look into it. though a bit, it's enough making me nervous.
i look it up in the net of course. very2 grateful for internet. hu hu~
i've done it just in time for the boss to come over to me ask for the result.
(less than 10mins !!..tak sempat nak ponder2..wonder2)
espero result tuh ok la, and betul sbb it is seemingly very important
2 org tny aku. he... siap la rumah sembelih tuh kalu tak betol!

*sama jek cm WQIs. hu~ tp yg tuh aku konpiden. hehe


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