last week of 2009

finally, this week sampai gaks. yup..  kinda tired of 2009 olredi!

let's ingat2 blk:

this year..aku tpaksa start my life as a working adult all over again - working at new place, in kedah, in gov. it's rather a bad start. everything is just too slow and too damn boring. thankfully the pace is up lately. i hope it stays like that or maybe can be even better. (or maybe i feel better since i'm adapted to it. huh!) then, i'm struggling with my very own issue, thankfully.. 'berakhir di januari~~' <-- huh.. almost forgot i had one.

my work.. this is the starting point yg caused me to be the modeller or designer which i have to say, i'm not that keen at all, is one of those thing yg terlajak n kemampuan ntuk patah balik is somewhat complicated! and all i've been doing is telan and telan and telan.. and still tuh la yg aku wat. yup. aku tak berusaha langsung to make my stay better..i just go with the flow and didn't stop to think or to act at all...

one thing yg best abt work would be outstation:whether for kursus or watever is fun-dr tperap behind the table je. tp..bila dpt series of packing & unpacking..penat gaks tau. hehe... skang, even tak abih lagi 2009 pon, dah dapat 'arahan' ntuk g penang laks. walaowei.. jln lagik. then.. satu jenis plan..g genting. erm... tp yg best = jln2 to somewhere slightly more northest and more southest of malaysia.. ada lgik ke yg cm tuh next year? hmmm..

starting of april.. is when i learn my vulnerability and inquietud-ity are quite.. big. hmm..i also learned that my happiness and my high/low are also depended on something. who would've thought that something could send me to my highest and my lowest at the same time? somehow, i hv to admit that it is keeping me at ease-if not all the time, those lil time are worth mentioned. 

maybe sbb yg besar suma dah family are more and more into jalan2 this year. we made plan to spent time together away from home. at least kat pantai chenang la<-- maybe cm hek nie la yg paling fun! superb! next year, most probably akan wat something like this gaks.. and there's another vacation i'm looking forward to.. mungkinkah akan terjadi? kak nie pon ajak g sabah..erm~ *sbb my money sector is somewhat short circuit tahun depan. haha..!!!

all in all.. apa yg paling best this year is.. the feeling that i am somewhat capable n free. it's like..i'm having a job, my own money..and the feeling that i can do almost anything, going anywhere and everywhere is soooo refreshing. mungkin gak sbb dah guna keta. len dah lama discover aku lak br nak hepi2.. tp mmg besh. tp bkn sbb tuh je kot. mungkin gak perasaan bebas n dah besar. freeeeee je. it's like kalu aku nk g penang, i can just go. if i want to go to kl..i also can book the ticket or just go. if i want anything, i can get it, i can buy it, though if that something too expensive then i have to pay for the "consequences" later la..hahaha

oh. aku sgt suka. walupon bosan n kadang2 jammed..aku sgt2 suka. sbb tuh aku nk forward je ke tahun baru. sbb aku tahu, me today..tak sama dgn me bulan 9, 2009..or me bln 10, 2009.. walupon nampak aku lagi besar hari nie berbanding kelmarin. (tp hati tak besar pon!! haha) malas kesah sal menda2 yg cm tak perlu nak kesah. walupon ada yg menjengkelkan..walupon ada yg menyengat perasaan..walupon ada yg menyampahkan..aku tarik napas n hembos je la..sbb walupon dlm dunia kecik aku nie byk je a lil kelebihan that i have.. is just abt enough for me to cover everything. sbb..despite all those poor thingy.. ada je yg always mem'best'kan~ada je yg sentiasa membahagiakan.. ada je yg leh buat aku lompat bintang sebanyak 9004 kali..aaaahhh~

yo gusto mi vida mucho.
~my chica life~


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