Itsy Bitsy

ceta 1:
while aku bangga dgn my kv9004c yg bg aku very the cute and still cute biarpun ditelan zaman..hehe.. org itu berkata.."ala.. kat kedah, langkawi, leh la book no. kalu kat kl..mau dekat rm1k.." .."ala..plat no W bkn cun pon!!!" hahaha.. aku ske BAMbee..K and C je..hehe

ceta 2:
lainnyer perasaan lepas dgr komen on movies.."chica suke tak???" erm~ it's not about this. it's not about's just..because.

ceta 3:
aperkah soklan itu. everytime also got the same q. that very sensitive issue shouldn't be brought up at all. por favor. why should you care? i know why, but why??? things changed. *note:past tense.

ceta 4:
at that seems like itulah lawak yg paling kelakar. kenapakah begitu? mengapakah begitu? (siyesli, no matter how hard i try to is kelakor. don't blame me.) then, when i recall the situation.. is it? could it be..??? adoi. very selenga. if that's wat it is..very2 s***********. should i make it up to you?

ceta 5:
"dun wori. tak kecik hati pon.. i used to that. but..just so you know, you are not that innocent, okay??"

ceta 6:
mintak ur address plz... why? kad kawin. kad besday. kad raya. kad krismas. kad tahun baru. "kad kredit supplementary tak de ke?" heh heh heh.. ~"email" it to ur house!! har har

ceta 7:
cuma 3 sebab.:
sebab pertama.
sebab kedua.
sebab ketiga.
owh..mcm tuh. but..i hate the 3rd reason. hate! hate! hate!

ceta 8:
"i won't tell kat mana..jd hgpa tak payah mai.." -"ala.. bgtau la..leh mkn sama2"..-->simple gesture, but very touchy.. kenapa aku tak de perangai comel n cute cmtuh? hmmm...

ceta 9:
"but, if you distancing yourself..and i distancing myself..thus we becoming distant..then, distant it is..."

ceta 10:
.....*silence* "apa?' -"ha? nuthing~~" -"alololo..ckp je la..blushing2 plak.." -"ek? erk?" *speechless* aderkah? perlukah? kenapakah? mengapakah? iyerkah?

sweet dreams.
take care.
te amo.


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