My Silver Jubilee~

last year today... still in Hydec

hepi 25th besday!!

this is the day that i've been waiting. sampai gaks. of kos akan sampai? erm..sokmo, we planned it will come. alhamdullillah, it did! --> mcm very smcm. tol la kan?? lebey kurang 6.29 pm, cukup2 genap, i turn 25th.

september 4th
25 y/o
suku abad.
my silver jubilee

i planned to celebrate my day at langkawi, tp last2 aku tukar plan balik kulim gaks. not sure what influence my decision, but i made up my mind bila abah ckp tak kisah aku balik mana pun..jd aku pilih=kulim. erm...

3rd sept aku demam. aku demam since last nite, tp..aku mkn uphamol rs cm ok dh. siap sahur kat kfc lagi. mmg takde mood. rempuhi gaks demam @ work. yup..nk amik cuti rs rugi laks. seb bek repot pond and design guna excel dah siap. lepas keje aku g tukar baju tra luk kat pacific teluk wanjah before drive to kulim. veri tak larat. rs nk baring je. tp takpe. sabar2. bukak pose, mkn ubat then leh tido dgn bestnye..kan2??? and otw balik aku beli teh ais. craving. nak gak!!! haha..walupon sampai kulim dah kul 7 lebey, singgah gak kat dynas ntuk " teh ais 2! bungkus!!!". hahaha...

i sleep thru midnite and only wake up when it's already 245. huhu~ demam dah lega la! rs bahagia je~~ hehe.. aku tgk my hp to check the time. wao wee...7 msges. tp bkn suma msg besday. hehe.. 1 tuh jemputan kawin shafiq.  then sbb sakit tekak yg amat sgt, and aku janji nk minum gak teh ais (sbb rs berslah, air lengkong pon ada time bbukak lagi mau teh ais..jd kena minum gaks!!) jd, kul 3 pagi tuh aku minum teh ais. hahaha! then tak leh tido. sbb tido byk sgt ntuk recover demam..jd chat dgn kak da till 5=waktu sahur.

bila dh pagi, aku reply to those yg wish besday..and wait until 10am to remind some1 to give me besday wish. then g amik kak da kat opis dia before g jj perda - hehe..kak da wants to get me something for my bday, tp aku yg bw dia g beli. kelakor! and today, aku pakai skirt khakis baru n shirt yg ada topi belang2 purple. lepas p jj, aku kuatkan semangat nak g sunway pyramid laks. kat sunway pyramid, aku tak membeli pon except kat tra. nak ganti bj yg aku pilih terkecik n tukar terbesar. a pink adidas jersey fr al-ikhsan. bg aku cute abih ni. hehe

balik umah dlm kul 5. wat itu sket, ini sket, kul 530 aku cekalkan hati g basuh keta. napa kena cekalkan hati? sbb aku keta kotor. cermin la yg paling dasat-kalu hujan n malam merana aku nk drive. jd, dgn hati yg cekal, keta terbasuh gaks..hehe lama gak la..haha... 645pm br habis. phew~!
hurm.. dpt besday wishes..dpt hadiah, org open table-next week aku lak le! hehe.. ok la kan? well..wat to say. i am the very person yg sgt2 "feel" dgn besday. tp..kalu wish sj pon aku dh appreciate sgt2. esp yg bagi time kul 12 tuh. veri gigih in a very suweeet way. kalu hadiah lagi best kan? haha..menda best yg free!!! tp hari nie, overall is a very normal day and i like it much2.

another 2 hours++ to the next day, so..this is my wish to myself:
merdekakan diri anda,
appreciate ur life,
beribadah dgn kerja,
have fun everyday
and for every bit of happiness in ur vida.. capture it, remember it!

until next year, life is to be enjoyed. there's always bump and hole here and there, but you can always slow down and swerve. smoga aku lebey enjoy this life, lebey appreciate and cherish every moment.
Goodbye to my 24th y/o life..i'm ready to move on, head first and fearless~~

..n not to forget..kwn2 suma, km appreciate sgt hgpa igt besday kami!! hehe.. apatah lagi kat family..anda mmg wajib igt tau! kuikui...muchísimas gracias!


  1. isk2.. veri long. aku mmg leh menulis la.haha

  2. 2 out of 7 msgs yg aku bc time tjaga kul 3. it reminds me of something..siyesli..


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