Early Bday Celebration

That cute-pink-furry thingy~ hehe..cute kan? veri besar n veri lembut. niceeee one..(cian kat rana yg sblah..rana pon i syg gaks~)

hi... i'm miss flapi

 this year= the one bday yg aku agak sgt menunggu. dunno why i just, veri looking forward to it. Counting down, september by steps..and it's only 2nd of september, but i already got my bday wishes and celebrations n gift. (i look forward to wishes, though...)

the 1st one from my very own abah. abah turun as sbb ader meeting at JKN-as usual. then, i picked him up at jetty and we both break fast together. but a rather special one-abah blanja besar! aku bw g mkn kat rainforest..mkn2 yg agak meriah. tp tau je la aku nie, bkn makan byk sgt, but still..best2.

mkn2 kat kuala perlis...
erm.. 1st of september = zul's besday. so, my fren make this plan on sept 2nd, to go and celebrate at kuala perlis. y'know. makan yg meriah2 gaks la.. derang plan for 'belated-besday zul' and 'upcoming-bday keen'. hehe..cute. only, aku tak sihat sgt. sakit kapla, badan panas, batuk. then turun keta je sakit pinggang laks. mcm2. jd mood tuh mmg tak elok. makan tak byk-tuh normal. tp quite spoiled the atmosphere la...sorry guys. tak bermaksud pon! hehe.. then..ada sorg lagi dr jps muda. maisarah. she celebrate her bday on that very day. jd..dia join gaks la. khalil yg bw dia. so.. suma yg terlibat= ann, sue, me, zul, fendi, khalil, sarah, mizan n his wife and anak dia sorg. ramai kan? bahagia...

aku demam pulak time tuh..layan je lah.. ptong2 kek besday

besday tak sah kalu takde kek..hehe. nie la kek yg ann and sue beli kat aku n zul. sedap n comel..comel tuh penting. lepas mkn suma yg main course tuh, beralih laks kat kek. huhu~ tp mcm dah kenyang. layan je la selagi mampu~ owh lupa laks.. sarah pon got her own cake. khalil yg beli kot. lepas makan kek..sue n ann bg hadiah kat zul. then suma pon gerak balik la.. bila kat keta tgh bersalaman suma.. ann bw kuar satu g hadiah kat aku laks.. wahwah~aku pon dpt gaks. ingat besday tak sampai lagi takde hadiah..hehe..mkn2 pon dah best.siyesli, it was unexpected. muchos gracias amigas..or amigos kot..hehe. include la skali...

p/s tq2 untuk besday celebration n wishes. hehe.. tp..ada lagi sehari nie. hehe. aku nk balik kulim today so, going to celebrate my bday with org2 kampung la.. geeee.. esok is the day~ can't wait..veri2.


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