kenapa kamu ialah KPPK?

Dalam kerajaan nie, you can go, climbing higher up by being a senior, or maybe by further your study, or pass some exams, or just by knowing certain people at certain time, or maybe it is much easier to sum it off as a "rezeki"

ada peneman ala2 ada geng dan tak perlu bergeng dengan org lain. super!

.. and, you can even be there at those sweet top spot, yet not doing much! even a good officer came to think that when you are at a certain level in your career. all you have to do is to delegate and let the person you delegate the task do the task from translating the what, the how, the why, the need; basically the sole doer of the task. and what those higher-up post do? hey, i'm the head! and since, i'm the head, let the body, hands and legs do the rest. i just do the delegate thingy with UP, UMP, UTP, UM and all the U in the world with a bit of initials and date at the bottom of those letters!!! 

i hate her and i want to keep it, preserve it in this blog now that she somewhat wake up from the long honeymoon of hers.. suddenly she realized that she actually is a head of our unit huh? after 1 year and a months. wao wee.. she starts minutes the letters/memos with lengthier words than all the UTP/UMs and seemingly she started to have her brain back to her. she even call for a unit meeting and ask her staff to do some sort of task presentation which she should have done last year. and she want to do it on the very day i am busy with paperworks, such a hassle!  but let her know her job then..and pray that after this she will donate some of her "intelligence" to make some decisions besides forwarding some old whatsapp msgs. 

i hope i still have some respect to myself not to do whatever that might ruin my reputation even further, hence this blog. be honest, i always bad with bosses. or maybe all my superiors. whatever! they are what they are. my time might come too.. and i hope, people hate me for good stuff and not this.

not my problem? 
well.. the problem would lies to the hater.  because this toxic things i feel towards my KPPK, i think she's like rilek2 je, pikir diri dh buat terbaik that she could. "ish, teruknya dia buat keje mcm tu, makan gaji mcm tu tapi tak buat keje pun.." katanya kat seorang lagi bos yang belagak ala2 oku dan blur dan innocent tp dah mampu marah org lain sbb marah dia buat keje ala2 hampeh. so both sama he. actually, KPPK nie worst dr seorang KPP itu. tp tak tahu la nak kesian kat dia ke sbb dia rasa dia betul, dah buat terbaik. tp org lain nampak je. apa je dia buat? almost nothing. kesian kan bila kita nampak dia ntah hape2 tp dia pulak nampak dia sgt ok dan org lain yg ntah hape2. omg. sadis tahap dewa. 

so aku berkesimpulan aku patut kesian kat kat diri aku nie. while aku pun bukan buat byk sgt benda. aku pun bukan ada projek yg banyak bwh aku tp mmg aku tak mampu pun byk2 so aku pushhhhhh away everything yg patut dan BUAT apa yang kena buat. pastu aku pun bergunung2 kutuk maki hamun dia dalam doaku. so, dosa pada aku. pening kat aku. marahnya aku. stress pun aku. keje pun aku juga yg kena buat. so, org yg dibenci rilek je kan?  malas la aku nk layan peel dia. biar la dia dan ceritera dia sendiri. semoga kau TAK bahagia. 

Hasta pronto.

p/s aku bukan takmo bergaul. tp bila bergaul je aku marah kat bos. aku kutuk bos. aku stress. keje apa yg aku dpt buat? keje x dpt siap sbb mai keje 8 jam, kutuk je 7 jam stgh. sama je gaji aku tak berkat pastu keje pun stress x siap2. so aku x mo la cerita panjang lalu pakai headphone dan pekak-kan diri. 



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