
munge Forget-me-Not.. (pics taken from above-mentioned web..)
quite some stuffs slipped my mind lately.
i forgot this and that
and i hate that i couldn't even recall it after someone reminds me on stuffs i've forgotten
how can i be soooo forgetful.
was it something i ate or did ?
or something i must eat and do?
could it be less sleep (nah.. too much sleeping more like it!)
or worst.. Alzheimer's?? (<--too much Grey's Anatomy. Confirmed!) to improve your memory??
  • erm..i could read more books -- it's been quite some time since my last reading
  • play games like bookworms and crosswords puzzle <--my faveret too..
  • sleep moderately and be more active.. (but i can't get enough sleeping! huhu!)
p/s i just turned 27..and olredi becoming a old-forgetful-lady? aiyaakkk


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