
love to have a small pot of plants on my table.
this is my 5th
my 1st one, bought by abah while we're on a holiday in cameron highland..
i'm still in utp at that time..
suppose it has flowers but it only flowered once.. blame the weather!
my 2nd one was given by my fren for my b-day
it's a cactus. brought it to lgkw during mid term break.. and i left it in die!
my 3rd & 4th, i bought 'em when i'm in kl - on separate events
also died due to lack of kasih sayang : balik kg and because i underwent induction for my current job.
so..this is my 5th.
it's cute. it doesn't has flower, just greens.
hope it'll green longer..and stay cute until next year.. at least.

p/s i wrote this entry a while ago, in august.
as in Oct 5, this pokok is no longer green -if you know what i mean! :(
hu hu hu~


  1. aiyaaa... dah kuning ka? jaga pokok tu baik2~~~

  2. pokok tuh skang dah mati la intan!!! huhu~ kami jaga pasu comel tuh bebaik je dulu..utk pokok2 akan dtg. hahaa

  3. hang memang tak dak jodoh ngan pokok laaa

  4. hu hu hu~ kita tgk nati pokok ke-6 akan mati ke tak..


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