weekend in july

my july's weekend of every week are all planned out.

1st weekñ ialah besday kak da
2nd weekñ ialah "hari keluarga"  & Eclipse trip
3rd weekñ ialah pressie-hunting, besday x 2 + kenduri kawan
4th weekñ ialah hari keluarga no.2 (owh..ada besday lagik)
5th weekñ ialah hari bekerja.

[*pic: me & tra @ queensbay mall (2nd week)]
tp semua pun bknlah weekend yg bz. suma pon ialah fun time with family except the last one. owh..anything related to shopping complexes & gelak sana sini with my family ialah the best thing that could happen to me these days. hu hu hu~

2 weekends left in july. then august will step in. 2nd week of august would be the start of Ramadhan.

all in all..i love having something to look forward to..x kisah la apa2 pun.
tp bln Julai is always something. ye la..my family's besday month.
too bad, another plan tak leh masuk dlm mana2 weekend aku.
tuh la..lamat wat appointmnt!!!
but people always said.. ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian..
in a way..that only I know.


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