duit claim

owh.. the best part of kursus would be THE CLAIM. kalu ikut, every cents of duit yg di claim ialah duit yg kita dah belanja..tp, bg elaun2 makan ke harian..mmg sth yg kita layak,kan?

well..no need to talk about kelayakan. i filled the claim form..in january. in february. in march.. with hope, the money will be banked in very soon. well.march would be something like my last month to claim anything sbb besides kene banned from going to kursus, me myself also don't really want to go to kursus anymore. dah byk. tp, duit tak masuk2 pon. walopun some of the money mmg la di claim mengikut layak and bukan totally the amount i've spent, tp.. bkn aku dpt duit 'bersih'. duit hotel esp.. aku swipe tau. dah brapa lama tak byr. mmg aku tertekan bila duit hutang tuh nampak byk je.. dah la tahun nie aku short circuit. hu hu hu

then.. almost lunch hour..en zainal ajak aku masuk bilik dia jajap. ada sth nk ckp.

"cik syikhin..after this kalu nk claim, kamu kena discuss dgn saya dulu ek. duit tnt lgkawi cuma rm12k..and you alone dah claim rm4k..(!!!)"
hehehe.. tp, tak sampai 4k la.. 3k je. huhu~ byk beza. 1/4 bukan 1/3. tp..napa sikit bebenor duit tnt langkw thn nie? tahu la duit byk kena potong this year..tp very the sikit.
"eh? owh. tp takpe en zainal. rsnya no more claim kot. sbb sy dah g byk kursus dah.." ..
"aaahh..syikhin dah g kursus 24 hari."
-"ha?..mana ada 24 hari la..15 hari lebey je la.."
tp en zainal tak puas hati. lalu kitaorg kuar bilik n g ckp dgn kak salwa..
huhu~ eh..takde la br 3 bulan dah 24 hari. bukan. bukan. bukan. lgpun g induksi..bkn kursus biasa tau!

cian langkw. bersalah lak aku sgt2 menanti duit claim masuk tnpa kesabaran. dah la tak keje kat sana kan.. hmmm~

but i still want my claim n i want it bad. huhu~ (sy percaya sy tak jahat, juga tak kejam..ting234)


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