triple 'delight'

banyak betul menda yg bermain kat otak aku skang. hari nie kan 25/2.. sal gaji..then (sbb en asnol kena jupe pengarah,and now is already end of february) sal my model yg result dia tak menjadi sangat.. (napala menda nie nak test aku..isk enuf la.. aku yg lucky sgt dlm idp cuma dlm menda berkenaan study@career. and if this is too hampeh, apa je yg aku ada?)

aku mmg nak menda model nie siap dgn jayanya.. if only i have firasat buruk sal this project.. bcoz, things usually turns out ok if i have bad feeling at first. tak mo la superstitious, tp i kinda want it to be more like that so that i can (nearly) confident that it would be a 'happy ending'. i want to get this done. really want to get this done-for the sake of gaji yg (akan) aku get monthly. tp apa laks la prob yg aku facing right now?? hari2 pon ada je masalah yg jd. i know this life would be bosan if nothing that's my love life. why not..let something happened there..and nothing much happened in my career= ok ok je..takde turun. so that i could have my model done, if not with flying least i am flying!! heart ache. with all these problems.. mcm mana nie?


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