berani kerana ...?

believe or not..
i kinda like the idea of people 'tak berani dgn kin'
no idea what kind of keberanian they need to have when it comes to me..but i used to like it
i used to go like "hahahaha i like" happily  :P
*ntah hape2* :e

tak terpikir plak aku..dari segi apa yg tak berani tuh?
dulu aku pikir senang je..
tak berani dgn aku means : hidup aku aman
tak berani dgn aku means : aku tak perlu muskil
tak berani dgn aku means : aku leh anggap takde pa pe yg jadi

hmm.i used to..somewhat proud of this previously
coz it makes my life whole lot more easier
tp terpikir jugak...
apa je lah yg buatkan keberanian mereka itu terhad ye?

then a lil birdie drops lil comments:

tak berani : tak rapat dgn kin
(hmm..ok. diterima)
tak berani : i cry easily..
(hate that it's somewhat true. )
tak berani : emo is my middle name!
(sy takde nama tgh! *waaaaaaa* :~)

ok peeps.. all i have to say is that my face is siyesli in-sync with wat i feel. 
even i have to deal with it!


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